Friday, July 9, 2010

a little sample box

I made a sampler of some of my newest creations to deliver to neighbours. I finally made some lavender cupcakes out of my very own dried lavender (right out of the pot in my little yard!) What I did was, first I dried the lavender and then crushed it up in my mortar and pestle - what a nice aroma it made, then I simply added some dried flowers to my batter and saved some for a pretty garnish! Next, I created a jasmine cupcake by brewing some strong jasmine green tea. This gave the cake a very subtle floral note. I also added my spiced chai cupcakes and made a sweet mango cupcake by adding fresh crushed mango to the icing as well as the cake batter. Because I use fresh ingredients and no artificial stuff, each cupcake had just a hint of flavour that any cupcake connoisseur would appreciate :)

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